Warm Moments: A Tiff’s Treats Love Story!

August 12, 2024

Love stories often seem to start with everyday moments, and for Meredith and Cameron, that magic came in the form of a warm cookie delivery. Their journey, which started at Baylor University in Waco, TX, showcases just how a small, thoughtful gesture can change everything!

Meredith and Cameron were friends after they met, but it wasn’t until about two years later that Cameron decided to take a bold step. On Valentine’s Day, he sent Meredith a box of Tiff’s Treats cookies with a note signed “from your secret admirer.” The plan was to create a bit of mystery and charm, but Meredith’s curiosity led her to ask the delivery person about the sender. When she found out it was Cameron, the surprise was somewhat spoiled—but not the romance!

That simple act of sending cookies became the beginning of their love story. From that Valentine’s Day gesture, they went on to date and build a beautiful life together. In a full-circle moment, Cameron chose the same sweet treat for another significant occasion: his proposal. On the day he proposed, Cameron sent Meredith a batch of Tiff’s Treats before getting down on one knee in Waco, adding another layer of sweetness to their journey.

Their wedding was equally memorable. Once Tiff’s Treats heard their sweet story, our founders Tiff and Leon wanted to mark their special day with a surprise! We sent our famous Treats Truck to the wedding reception, delighting guests with the same warm, fresh cookies that had played such an unexpected role in their love story. 

“I just wanted Meredith to know that somebody out there was thinking about her. And I think that that's kind of the beauty of Tiff’s Treats because it doesn't have to be grand... I think that that's just a way for people to be able to show somebody they're thinking about them or that they care about them. That's really what it was. I had no plan whatsoever of how I was going to ask Meredith out. I just wanted her to know on Valentine's Day that somebody out there was thinking about her.” - Cameron 

As Meredith and Cameron continue to build their lives together, they’re looking forward to the next chapter: they’re expecting a baby boy in the next few months! Here’s to many more sweet moments and memories in their lives, with Tiff’s Treats always holding a special place in their hearts.

At Tiff's Treats®, our passion lies in celebrating the warm moments that matter most in your life. Do you have a Warm Moment to share? Click here to submit your story and be entered for a chance to win a $100 gift card from Tiff’s Treats!